Radcliffe Surgery Forum (RSF) is the Patient Participation Group (PPG) at the surgery. It was formed in May 2010 and its primary role is to encourage patients in the local area to work with their surgery and contribute to the continuous improvement of services. In addition the RSF aims to foster good communication between the practice and its patients which in turn will enable patients to take more responsibility for their health. As we already know, changes within the NHS are afoot and patients will need to be more involved if the impact of the proposed changes are to lead to a continued improved healthcare service.
The key objectives and terms of reference for the RSF are available at the surgery and can be seen on the dedicated RSF noticeboard in the patients’ waiting area.
The doctors in the local surgery have welcomed the set up of RSF as they genuinely appreciate the value of people taking an interest in their own healthcare. Furthermore they know that this will provide an effective means for patients to share their positive suggestions which in turn will influence the surgery on the way they structure their services and communicate with their patients.
If you have any positive suggestions you would like the RSF to address and bring to the attention of the doctors, feedback forms are available at the surgery in both the waiting area and at the reception counter. Your suggestion can be placed in the grey suggestion box, which is located on the RSF noticeboard near to the reception counter – and the RSF group will look at it at one of their regular meetings.